Jesus Is My Facebook Friend

A common saying I hear is, "I have a personal relationship with Jesus.". I never heard an explanation to that, though. Before I believed in God I always wondered how you could have a personal relationship with someone who you had never met, who you couldn't talk to face to face, and you only know on an internal level. Now that I am a believer, have read the Bible a few times, and have prayed quite often I finally understand. Jesus is my Facebook friend.

That sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Well, hear me out first.

I have a friend I have never met in real life. I go to them for everything. They are my shoulder to cry on, my go-to for sharing my most exciting news, and my biggest confidant. They help me feel secure, loved, reassured, and able to take on my day-to-day life as well as the world. I go to them when I am scared, lonely, upset, anxious, insecure, ecstatic, and every other emotion I could have. I share my bad news and my good news with them. I share everything with them. I trust them. I love them.

I have a friend I have never met in real life. I have never heard their voice before. All I have is the writings they leave me that I get to read. The voice I hear inside of my head telling me if what I'm about to say or do is right or wrong. What they would tell me to do or say in any given situation. I'll admit it. Sometimes I go days without talking to them. I know it isn't good for our relationship but I know they will understand, forgive me, and we will pick up right where we left off.

I have a friend I have never met in real life. They know the deepest parts of me. The parts I don't share in my real, day-to-day life. The stuff I don't share with my in-real-life friends. The stuff I keep inside.  I share it with them because I know they won't judge me for it. Sometimes I don't feel too confident in that but I am able to share with them because the pressure is off. They aren't face-to-face. I can't see or hear their initial reaction. I only see the words they have left me to read.

I have a friend I haven't met in real life. No-one I know has ever met them in real life, either. They are my best friend. They are always there for me. I don't know if we'll ever meet in real life. I truly do hope we do. They are the closest person to me. Closer than my spouse, my children, my mother, or my father. Closer than anyone I know in real life. I think of them every day. I can't wait to read what they wrote to me. Just thinking of them makes me happy. They truly are the best friend I will ever have.

For me, that describes a Facebook friend. Someone you have met online but not in real life. A lot of people meet others through Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, etc. They become the closest of friends. They have a bond unlike any real life relationships. This is my relationship with Jesus. Jesus is *my* Facebook friend.


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