Mental Illness and Our Salvation

If you have God and are saved you don't, or won't, have any mental illness. God cures mental illness. Taking pills for mental illness means you are not saved. You can take medicine for other things, though.

In the bible mental illness isn't covered. Things like lepracy, blindness, and other illnesses are, though. Jesus lays hands upon them, or just thinks of their healing, and they are healed. So wouldn't it make more sense to say if you have faith in God and are saved then your blindness, or other physical illness, will go away? 

Chemical imbalances are equal to physical deformities, birth defects, and other neurological disorders such as CVS, migraines, and addiction. Gasp! Addiction. That is up there with mental illness. If you truly have God in your heart then you won't have mental illness or addiction, right? Saying that is saying that we don't need medicines at all. Unless you are a believer in faith healing then I doubt you feel that way. Vaccines are okay but not medicines for depression, BPD, anxiety, etc. You can be scared of events happening in your life (death, marriage, etc.) but not have issues with germs. 

Why are we allowed to nitpick which things are acceptable to God and which ones are not? Where did we go so wrong as a people? Some things are okay to have wrong. Some things are okay to take medicine for. Some things are okay to prevent. However, the ones I personally decide aren't are not. Absurdity.

You can't prevent getting sick by refusing to shake peoples hands due to germs BUT you can take vaccines to prevent possibly getting a virus. You can take medicine for epilepsy, something Jesus cured and said was a demon possessing a person, but not for anxiety or depression, which was not spoken about. You can take an extreme amount of pain pills to the point your body is addicted and you can't function without them because you live with Fibromyalgia or Lupus, but you can't become accidentally addicted without a lifelong condition? Let's face it, who becomes addicted on purpose? 

How do we choose who gets grace and who doesn't?  How do we choose who is worthy and who isn't? When did we become God? When did the person who is sinning in one way become more forgivable, and accepted, than the person sinning in another way? When did the person struggling with mental illness become the leper and the adulterer become the loved? When did porn become okay but the mother with postpartum depression not? When did smoking weed and getting high become okay but taking anti depressants not?

The bible speaks on epilepsy, getting high, getting drunk, and numerous other things. It speaks very clearly on how those things are wrong, a demonic possession, and so on. It does not speak, however, on mental illness. Yet we treat mental illness as it was the thing spoken on and the others not.

When did we become so backwards? We won't support the addict who needs recovery. We won't support the person suffering from mental illness; be it anxiety, depression, PPD/PPS, BPD, what have you. We won't support the single mom, yet, we won't support the woman who painfully, and possibly regretfully, had an abortion. We won't support the man or woman running from abuse. 

However, we WILL support the pain pill addict who has a diagnosis, the porn addict, the adulterer, the liar, the thief, and the "whore". Those people have grace. God will forgive them. Sometimes they aren't even doing anything wrong. Right? Wrong

If they are changing their ways and asking for forgiveness then, of course, forgive them. Help them. Help the others as well, though. Instead we shame the others. If you had faith God would make it all go away. If you had faith you wouldn't be suffering. If you had faith you wouldn't have done what you did. If you had faith you wouldn't be where you are. 

What happened to us? Where did we go so wrong? When did we fall so far away that we can't even see the light anymore. We scream out, "Judge not lest ye be judged!" like it is going out of style. Do we even understand what we are talking about? Do we even understand the verse we are screaming out? Or do we scream it out in defense of what we are being judged for? Or what someone else is that we are struggling with? 

If you know someone struggling then reach out to them. Don't judge them. Don't condemn them. Don't call CPS on them. Love them like we are called to do. Help them. Read up on what they are going through or dealing with so that you are truly knowledgeable and so that you can truly support them in whatever way they need you. No one deserves to suffer. Especially not in silence and/or fear. Be the hands and feet of Christ; not His megaphone.  


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