Stop Converting Others
Why do most Christians think that it's their responsibility to convert every person to Christianity? Whether someone is Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or even already Christian, many Christians will go out of their way to pressure others into converting. They do this by first pointing out how the other person's beliefs are flawed. Then they explain how their own beliefs are correct. After that, you're basically given an ultimatum. You must convert or forever be shunned by that person.
Honestly, even as someone who has read the Bible through multiple sets of eyes, I have not been able to find any instruction from God, Christ, or the Apostles that suggests we should be attempting to convert everyone. What I mean by multiple sets of eyes is that I once read the Bible as an Atheist, then I read it as a newly practicing Christian, then again as an experienced, independently thinking believer in Christ. At no point in time did I find scripture suggesting we as Christians should pressure other people into following Christ, which is how many Christians treat Christianity as a whole.
I understand that almost everyone thinks that their beliefs are right and want others to believe the same. Why would we adhere to a belief if we thought that it was wrong or damaging to us? Personally, I think that we pick the belief we find most plausible. However, most people don't fully commit to their own personal beliefs. There's always some level of doubt within them, and most people fear being wrong, especially when it comes to religion. This is something that will have an eternal impact and no one wants to be wrong alone. The only way to be fully protected is to have everyone else be wrong with you. Besides, what strengthens our belief better than having everyone else believe the exact same thing? Why do you think so many Christians try to convert other Christians to their own denomination?
If converting people was just about teaching them about Christ, then we would only focus on non-Christians. We would want them to have the knowledge of Christ's life and death and would move on. Remember, we can plant a seed, water it, feed it, even give it Sun light, but only God can make it grow. We also know that we're not supposed to split ourselves into different denominations (this is spoken of in Corinthians). Christ is the focus of Christianity and having multiple denominations is essentially splitting the body of Christ. Why, then, do we try to convert other Christians? I think that we try to convert Christians to our own denominations because if there are flaws within our own way of thinking, then we want everyone to have the same flaws in their way of thinking.
We must remind ourselves that there is only one foundation, and that is Jesus Christ. We need to know that we can plant the seed but we cannot force it to grow. If someone hears the news of Christ but doesn't want to hear beyond that, then DO NOT pressure them. It is not our responsibility to force our beliefs onto others. Jesus had the power to force others to follow Him. However, He gave them a choice. God has the power to make everyone believe in and worship Him. However, He gives them a choice. We need to do the same. Everyone deserves to make the choice for themselves without pressure from anyone else. Besides, pressuring someone into doing something is more likely to push them away.
Focus on what is important. Love others. Love God. Treat those around you as you would want to be treated. Most of us wouldn't want to be forced into Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism, etc. Don't try to force others into your own beliefs; no matter how right you think that your beliefs are.
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